Professor Elizabeth More AM, MAICD
Dean of the Australian Institute of Management Business School
BA Hons and PhD from University of New South Wales, Graduate Diploma of Management from Central Queensland University, Master of Commercial Law from Deakin University

Professor Elizabeth More is the Dean of the Faculty of Business, Management and Wellness (incorporating the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) School of Business and the Australasian College of Health and Wellness). Her academic qualifications include a BA (Hons) (UNSW), GradDipMgt (Central Queensland), MComLaw (Deakin), and a PhD (UNSW). She is also an Honorary Professor in the Faculty of Business and Economics at Macquarie University.
Professor More is a past President of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management, and of the Australian Communication Association. She also has extensive experience in consulting to both private and public sector organisations, has worked in executive education, and has been called upon for expert media comment on issues related to management practice and education. Before becoming a university academic, she worked as a classical ballet dancer in theatre and television, and in the advertising industry.
Her academic career spans the key roles of Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Macquarie and Canberra universities; Director of the Macquarie University Graduate School of Management (MGSM), and Managing Director of MGSM Pty Ltd ; Chair of Academic Senate at Macquarie University; Foundation Executive Dean of the Faculty of Business at the Australian Catholic University (ACU); Professor of Management and MBA and Research Director at the MGSM; and Academic Director of Macquarie University’s City Campus.
Professor More’s impressive academic achievements were acknowledged in the Queen’s Birthday 2005 Honours List, when she received the award of Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for service to education, particularly in the fields of communication, management and organisational change.
Professor More has given conference presentations and published widely, both locally and internationally, in the field of organisation studies - particularly in the areas of organisational change, communication, culture, communications technology and policy, sustainable leadership, knowledge management, change management, and management in the performing arts.
She is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Global Responsibility, Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Australian Journal of Communication; the Journal of Communication Management; The Journal of International Communication; and Knowledge and Process Management – The Journal of Corporation Transformation. She has been awarded research grants from the Australian Research Council, Macquarie University, the NSW Education and Training Foundation, and the Commonwealth Department of Health.
Professor More has been an Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA) Auditor. She chaired the Audit of La Trobe University in 2004, and was on the trial audit panel for the University of the Sunshine Coast and the panel for the audit of Flinders University in 2006. She was also an assessor for AUQA’s Good Practices Database. She has recently been appointed by Senator Birmingham to the Australian Qualifications Framework Review Panel.
Professor Elizabeth More also has extensive experience as a board member for various organisations:
Present Board Experience:
- Chair, Board of Flourish Australia (previously RichmondPRA)
- Australian Institute of Company Directors NSW Councillor (AICD)
- Board Member of Council of Private Higher Education (COPHE)
- Vice-President AUSDANCE Board
- Board Member of Shaun Parker & Co Dance Company

Previous Board Experience:
- Director, Board of the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) (and Chair of the NIDA Academic Board)
- Director, Board of AUSDANCE (and Chair of AUSDANCE NSW)
- NSW State Government appointment as a Member of the NSW Government’s Council on the Cost and Quality of Government
- NSW State Government appointment to the Board of AC3 (Australian Centre for Advanced Computing and Communications)
- Commonwealth Government appointment as a Member of the Government’s Telecommunications Industry Development Authority (TIDA)
- Commonwealth Government appointment to the Tax Concession Committee of the IR&D Board
- Managing Director of MGSM Pty Ltd (Macquarie Graduate School of Management), Macquarie University
- Director Board of Sydney Dance Company
- Board Member of the Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS)
- Director Board of SCOPE (Securing Career Opportunities and Professional Employment for artists)
- Member, Education Board for the Australian Institute of Management (AIM)
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